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Rosy future for cider

The IWSR speaks to father and son John and Martin Thatcher of family cidermaker Thatchers cider, about the past, the present and the future for cider


Taking the temperature of the value wine and spirits market

As premiumisation sweeps the drinks market, value wine and spirits forecast is not too bleak


Global beer market shows growth without China

The global beer outlook 2013-2017, what's the story when you discount China?


Can British sparkling wine succeed abroad?

Is the goal to make British sparkling wine a key player in export markets fantastical or achievable?


Chinese wine imports suffer sharp decline

After rocketing nearly tenfold in a decade, wine imports to China suffered a sharp decline in the last quarter of 2018


Sustainability continues to influence the beverage alcohol market

Food waste: How will it affect the drinks industry?


Latest IWSR travel retail trends

The travel retail trends to know about, including categories, regions and passenger numbers


The impact of tariffs on American whiskey

With export markets helping to underpin the prosperity of the US whiskey category, what impact will tariffs have?


Pernod Ricard expands online strategy to Africa

With half a billion middle-class consumers to target, it’s no surprise Africa is Pernod Ricard’s ‘new frontier’

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